
Agrovet Market Animal Health commitment to innovation is reflected in its mission to provide unique solutions to the needs of practicing veterinarians, animal health professionals, farmers, breeders and pet owners. Scientific, clinical and field research is a constant commitment, becoming a crucial part of the DNA of our company.


Alcanforvet® Alcanforado Plus

Tolerance Evaluation of an Injectable Solution based on Camphor, Guayacol, Bromhexine and Eucalyptol (Alcanforvet - Alcanforado Plus) by Intramuscular route in Fattening Cattle.

Research work

Lutaprost® 250

Study of Reproductive Characteristics in Brown Swiss Cows Inseminated with Synchronized Heat Using Lutaprost® and Conceptase® - (Spanish)

Research work

Lutaprost® 250

Study of Reproductive Characteristics in Brown Swiss Cows Inseminated with Synchronized Heat Using Lutaprost® and Conceptase® (Spanish)

Research work


Effect of two organic modifiers on the weight gain of fattening bulls on the farm of the Association of Livestock Breeders of Camoapa (ASOGACAM), Coyanchigue region, Camoapa Boaco, Nicaragua, 2017 (Article in Spanish, English Abstract)

Research work

Catofos® B9+B12

Investigations with Catofos B9 + B12

Technical articles

Booster® RN


Technical articles

Tylvax® WS

Mycoplasmosis in broilers and pigs

Research work

Proxifen® 23 L.A.

Evaluation of the in vitro Effectiveness of Proxifen® 23 L.A (Oxytetracycline with Ketoprofen) against bacterial agents that cause Respiratory Disease in Bovines